Request for medical records

There can be various reasons for requesting medical records from the ambulance service. This process requires great care, as it concerns very private and sensitive information. A copy of the medical records can, therefore, only be provided under strict conditions.

Who can request medical information?

Patients (or their appointed legal representatives) have the right to request their own data. A third party may request medical information provided they are explicitly authorized to do so by the patient (or the legal representative of the patient). In order for an application to be successful, the correct information must be provided. If you wish to make a request, you will be sent the required forms. The forms must be completed in full and can be sent securely to Hollands Midden Regional Ambulance Service by replying to our e-mail.

Our way of working at Hollands Midden Regional Ambulance Service

The Ambulance Medical Manager assesses the application for medical records.

  • If your application is rejected, you will be sent an explanation setting out the reasons for the decision not to provide the data.
  • If the application is approved, the quality officer shall be responsible for copying the requested information.

The provision of the records shall be noted in the original records.

Receiving a copy of your medical records

The applicant (patient, legal representative or agent) can collect their records in person from Hollands Midden Regional Ambulance Service. After confirming your identity with a valid ID, you will receive a paper copy of your medical records. To receive the records, the applicant must identify themselves in person, and sign for the receipt of the information.

If you cannot come to our offices in person, we can send you the documents by registered post (with an ID check). The applicant shall pay for the cost of sending the records by registered post.

Postal address

RAV Hollands Midden
Attn. Quality Department
Postbus 121, 2300 AC Leiden

Citing: request for medical records / confidential


Address for collection

A copy of the records can be collected from:

RAV Hollands Midden
Quality department
Vondellaan 43, 2332 AA Leiden

It is also possible to collect your medical records at our locations in Alphen or Gouda. You can make an appointment by sending an e-mail to

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