Our care starts with planning an ambulance journey or when we receive a 112 emergency alert, and ends with a smooth handover to a general practitioner (GP), doctor or specialist.

1) Emergency alert
Emergency number 112 alerts for our region arrive at the Joint Emergency Dispatch Centre in ‘De Yp’ in The Hague.
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2) Ambulance on route
While the ambulance is on the way, the emergency medical dispatcher assesses the emergency situation following a strict protocol.
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3) On the scene
For urgent emergency calls, the ambulance is usually at the scene of the emergency within 15 minutes of a call being received.
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4) Care at the scene
We quickly make an assessment of the situation at the scene of the incident.
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5) Transfer
An emergency dispatch will not always result in the patient being transported in the ambulance.
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6) Hospital
Where possible, the nurse-paramedic will ask the patient if they have a preference for a particular hospital.
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